Evidence-Based Medicine
Rib Fracture

- Rib fractures are relatively common, usually occurring due to accidental high-impact chest wall trauma, but can also occur from low-impact trauma, repetitive motion injuries (stress fractures), nonaccidental trauma (such as child abuse), and underlying pathology.
- Risk factors for rib fracture include
- ≥ 80 years old
- low bone mineral density
- history of radiation therapy
- difficulty performing instrumental activities of daily living
- history of rib or chest fracture
- In patients sustaining rib fracture through chest trauma, serious associated injuries may also occur including, but not limited to, airway obstruction, pneumothorax, hemothorax, flail chest, thoracic aorta disruption, and spinal fractures.
- Suspect rib fractures in patients with history of chest wall trauma (accidental or nonaccidental, blunt or penetrating).
- The most common cause of rib fractures is accidental blunt chest wall trauma that is high-energy in nature, such as during motor vehicle accidents and falls from significant heights.
- Low-energy impact fractures may also occur, especially in the elderly (as a result of increased forces on osteopenic ribs).
- Stress fractures of the ribs may occur from minor, chronic, repetitive trauma (when abnormal forces are placed on normal bone).
- Although less common, pathological (atraumatic) rib fractures can also occur and should be suspected in patients with
- malignant or benign conditions that may contribute to weakening of the ribs
- pain symptoms consistent with rib fracture
- Confirm the diagnosis of rib fracture with imaging.
- In patients with acute blunt chest trauma:
- if significant trauma occurred, other injuries (beyond rib fractures) are likely present and should be evaluated and ruled out as clinically indicated (including through the use of blood tests)
- if major blunt trauma (high-energy mechanism of injury) and suspected chest injuries in patients who are hemodynamically stable
- any of the following modalities are usually appropriate for first-line imaging
- computed tomography (CT) of chest with contrast
- CT of whole body with contrast
- CT angiography (CTA) of chest with contrast
- x-ray trauma series
- additional modalities which may be appropriate consist of
- CT of chest without contrast
- CT of whole body without contrast
- any of the following modalities are usually appropriate for first-line imaging
- if minor blunt trauma and suspected rib fractures (injury confined to ribs):
- chest x-ray is generally initial imaging modality; x-ray with rib views may also be appropriate
- if normal chest x-ray, normal exam, and normal mental status, additional modalities which may be appropriate consist of
- CTA of chest with contrast
- CT of chest with or without contrast
- if rib fractures are confirmed, monitor closely for respiratory decompensation; risk factors include
- oxygen saturation < 92% on room air
- inability to perform incentive spirometry at > 1,000 mL or > 15 mL/kg
- vital capacity < 1.4, or < 55% of predicted
- In patients with suspected rib stress fracture:
- chest x-ray is generally initial imaging modality
- x-rays are typically negative early
- signs of bone healing may occur ≥ 3 weeks after symptom onset
- posteroanterior view is preferred, but rib views may also be appropriate
- if initial x-ray is negative
- repeating x-ray in 10-14 days is usually appropriate, unless immediate "need-to-know" diagnosis
- magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) without IV contrast is also usually appropriate
- other imaging modalities that may be appropriate include
- CT without IV contrast
- Tc-99m bone scan whole body with single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT)
- chest x-ray is generally initial imaging modality
- In patients with suspected pathological rib fracture:
- chest x-ray (posteroanterior view) may be used as initial imaging modality
- CT without contrast or bone scan may be used as complement to chest x-ray
- additional modalities which may be appropriate consist of
- x-ray with rib views
- fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG)-positron emission tomography (PET)/CT of skull base to midthigh
- In patients with acute blunt chest trauma:
- In children with posteromedial rib fractures of inexplicable cause
- suspect nonaccidental fracture; particularly if other fractures are found in various stages of healing
- see Child Abuse - Physical for additional information
- Initial management of patients with acute thoracic trauma and rib fractures:
- The Western Trauma Association (WTA) management algorithm for adults with > 2 acute rib fractures may be used to help determine optimal treatment setting, appropriate pain management regimen, and if surgical rib fixation is indicated.
- If hemodynamic instability, provide fluid resuscitation.
- Implement interventions for pain; often a multimodal approach is used.
- Nonregional analgesia (primarily oral and IV analgesics) is generally used as the initial therapy for pain management for mild-to-moderate chest wall injury (including rib fracture).
- Regional anesthetic techniques may be used in patients with chest wall injuries associated with a high risk of respiratory complications.
- For patients with significant thoracic trauma, see Blunt Chest Trauma - Emergency Management, or Penetrating Thoracic Trauma in Adults.
- Nonoperative management of rib fractures:
- Nonoperative management is the treatment of choice for most patients with traumatic rib fractures or stress fractures of the rib; patients with multiple displaced fractures or flail chest usually require surgical fixation.
- The goals of nonoperative management are adequate pain control and aggressive respiratory care with early mobilization to facilitate avoidance of delayed complications.
- Controlling pain helps decrease chest wall splinting and improve tolerance for respiratory therapy.
- Respiratory therapy helps clear airway secretions and expand the lungs in an effort to prevent pneumonia, atelectasis, and respiratory failure.
- Physical therapy involves early mobilization which is a key factor in preventing thrombosis, embolism, and pulmonary complications.
- Operative management of rib fractures:
- Indications (including selection of fractures for repair), and contraindications for surgical stabilization of rib fractures:
- Consider surgical stabilization of rib fractures in patients with
- flail chest (Weak recommendation)
- multiple, severe (bicortical) displaced rib fractures (Weak recommendation)
- failure of early, optimal nonoperative management, regardless of fracture pattern (Weak recommendation)
- chronic nonunion of rib fracture with persistent disabling pain refractory to nonoperative management (Weak recommendation)
- Selection of fractures for repair:
- The first, second, 11th, and 12th ribs are generally not repaired due to lack of benefit for stability or pain control; however, in highly select cases (such as significant displacement, vascular impingement, or local unmanageable pain) repair may be considered. (Weak recommendation)
- Fractures within 2.5 cm of
- transverse process should not be repaired (Strong recommendation)
- costal cartilage may be repaired (by fixation to either the cartilage or sternum) (Weak recommendation)
- Repair rib fractures sequentially, not in an “every other” rib approach. (Strong recommendation)
- Contraindications for surgical stabilization of rib fractures:
- relative contraindications, which should be evaluated on individual basis, include (Strong recommendation)
- pulmonary contusion
- traumatic brain injury
- additional contraindications include
- respiratory failure not related to chest wall injury
- other injuries requiring prolonged intubation
- patients unable to tolerate surgery
- relative contraindications, which should be evaluated on individual basis, include (Strong recommendation)
- Consider surgical stabilization of rib fractures in patients with
- For surgical timing, perform surgical rib fixation within 72 hours of injury (as fractures are easier to reduce when inflammation and callus formation are minimized). (Strong recommendation)
- For antibiotic prophylaxis:
- Use weight-based antimicrobial prophylaxis with cefazolin, with appropriate intraoperative redosing (Strong recommendation).
- In patients at risk for colonization with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), administer vancomycin for prophylaxis. (Strong recommendation)
- For surgical technique:
- Surgical rib fracture repair may be performed with an open or percutaneous approach.
- Rib fixation may be performed using either external plates or intramedullary strut fixation. (Weak recommendation)
- Coexisting injuries and fracture characteristics (such as lung herniation and > 10 mm fracture gap) are carefully considered and factored into surgical methods.
- Indications (including selection of fractures for repair), and contraindications for surgical stabilization of rib fractures:
- Follow-up:
- In patients with relatively minor chest wall trauma, potential for delayed onset of respiratory complications necessitates early follow-up; suggested time frame for follow-up is 2 weeks.
- In patients with nondisplaced fractures or stress fractures of the rib
- follow-up to ensure compliance with activity restrictions and ensure fracture severity has not progressed
- signs of healing may take ≥ 3 weeks to become visible on repeat imaging
- In patients who had surgical rib fixation
- initial follow-up visit should be scheduled 1-2 weeks postoperatively, with chest x-ray obtained prior to appointment; stopping or tapering narcotics should also be discussed at this time. (Strong recommendation)
- consider additional follow-up visits at 3, 6, and 12 months after discharge, with a chest x-ray obtained to assess hardware positioning
Published: 10-07-2023 Updeted: 10-07-2023
- Brasel KJ, Moore EE, Albrecht RA, et al. Western Trauma Association Critical Decisions in Trauma: Management of rib fractures. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2017 Jan;82(1):200-203
- Wardhan R. Assessment and management of rib fracture pain in geriatric population: an ode to old age. Curr Opin Anaesthesiol. 2013 Oct;26(5):626-31
- Dogrul BN, Kiliccalan I, Asci ES, Peker SC. Blunt trauma related chest wall and pulmonary injuries: An overview. Chin J Traumatol. 2020 Jun;23(3):125-138
- Talbot BS, Gange CP Jr, Chaturvedi A, Klionsky N, Hobbs SK, Chaturvedi A. Traumatic Rib Injury: Patterns, Imaging Pitfalls, Complications, and Treatment. Radiographics. 2017 Mar;37(2):628-651
- Dennis BM, Bellister SA, Guillamondegui OD. Thoracic Trauma. Surg Clin North Am. 2017 Oct;97(5):1047-1064
- Pieracci FM, Majercik S, Ali-Osman F, et al. Consensus statement: Surgical stabilization of rib fractures rib fracture colloquium clinical practice guidelines. Injury. 2017 Feb;48(2):307-321